Hive Guardian Reporting
There is a huge amount of helpful data that is collected by your devices and communicated to the Guardian Mate software. Inside Guardian Mate you can create your own reports or use some of our recommended reports that will help you with your beekeeping business,
All reports can be customised to change reporting parameters and the frequency of when it is emailed to you. Here are just a few that beekeepers find helpful...
Load Movement Report
A weekly report that shows which loads have visited your apiaries (geofences). This is a quick snap shot of your previous week. By default this is emailed out early on a Monday morning.
Temperature Reporting
A graphical report that shows the temperature of your Hive Guardian over a week. Great to review the pattern of temperature for queen bee breeders shipping queen bees in the post.
Devices Not Connecting Report
A report that helps identifies any Hive Guardian devices that have not connected in the last 7 days This can help identify devices that may need attention.
More to come soon...
There are many different ways to present your information and stay informed. Talk to us to learn more...